Comment on Perfectionism – one of the biggest productivity killers in the eng industry 7 months agoI appreciate your comment, also wth is your grandma’s quote 😂.That’s a new one for me.
Comment on Perfectionism – one of the biggest productivity killers in the eng industry 7 months agoI appreciate your comment, also wth is your grandma’s quote 😂.That’s a new one for me. 7 months ago
This quote has a small associated story. I don’t know if my grandma made it up or pulled it from the local “collective wisdom”, but it goes like this:
The devil just had a baby boy, and the devil’s son had beautiful eyes. So the devil couldn’t stop messing with it, while saying “look at my son’s beautiful eyes!” And he would fiddle around with his son’s eyes so much that, one day, he accidentally pierced one of them.
She often told us this story or the quote when we were messing too much with something already good enough. Sometimes because we might break it, sometimes simply because of the wasted time.
She also had other funny quotes, like: 7 months ago
Those are fantastic 😄, thanks for sharing!