Comment on Ah, the classics. 7 months ago
Never do the math on how old the classics were when you were a kid. My first concert ever was Tom Petty when I was under 10. I recently saw Tool live. When I saw Tom Petty in the early 90s he was newer than Tool was when I saw them last year. I am oldening. 7 months ago
My first concert ever was Fall Out Boy in 2006, when I was 16 years old. I saw them again this year, 18 years later. The time between those 2 shows was longer than the time between my birth and the first show, and to me it felt like only a few years had gone by. The next time I blink I’ll be 50. 7 months ago
Yeah. Between the first time and the last time I’d seen a Styx concert was like a 20 year span. 7 months ago
Next time I blink I’ll be 182