Comment on Why a union president crossed partisan lines for a starring role at Trump’s RNC | CNN Politics 7 months agoFirst they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
—Martin Niemöller
You’ve got to be pretty goddamn stupid to think Nazis are leftists. 7 months ago…/how-the-nazis-were-inspired-by-jim-…
Jim Crow was created by democrats.
Suggested reading.…/1125950908 7 months ago
I think I’ll take the word of historians over convicted fraud and “2000 Mules” propagandist Dinesh D’Souza.
(Suggested reading:…/did-nazi-platform-echo-democrati…)
Jim Crow was created by regressives. These were previously mostly Dem but after the deliberate Southern Strategy are mostly Repub. 7 months ago
You’ll never get him to agree, because his entire worldview relies not on facts but on controlling the conversation.
It’s immaterial to him if he is right or not.
Reactionaries are inherently anti-intellectual, because it allows dim dipshits to hold court and have their ideas treated by their fellow regressive peers as the equivalent of that of people who actually know what they’re talking about.
It’s so much easier to “know” things when you can make up whatever bullshit you want or can cite another boot-licker who is also using motivated reasoning and magical thinking.
Do you think he cares that Republicans tried to have a Fascist coup before?
Or that Regan was flooding inner cities with cocaine?
Or that the Civil Rights Act was signed into law by a Democrat?
He doesn’t give a fuck, because all he cares about is projecting the appearance of being correct. The actual facts are irrelevant. 7 months ago
The sooner rational people stop bothering to have civil conversations with the delusional lunatics running this community the better. Just let the 4 idiots and 1 Russian troll get bored of talking to eachother and they’ll eventually leave the platform. 7 months ago
100% agree, thinking I’ll deprogram a brainwashing victim with some internet comments would be delusional.
I just don’t want to see anyone sourcing Dinesh as suggested reading without pushback. I don’t want a low information individual to get sucked in by far-right propaganda. 7 months ago
Republicans have always been about equality.
Jim Crow was just Democratic politics and is still their politics. 7 months ago
Southern Strategy.
Jim Crow was by regressives. The same regressives opposed civil rights. And those same regressives today are in a cult formed around Donald.
Regressives today are still opposed to the civil rights movement.
Lincoln would be appalled to find that the Republicans of today are in fact the regressives he had to fight a war against. 7 months ago
And Lincoln hated conservatives.
It’s hilarious that you want me to read “the truth” by a convicted fraudster and conspiracy theorist.
You’re beyond parody. 7 months ago
Since Lincoln was a conservative. I’d love to see where you get that idea. He hated democrats. 7 months ago
Lincoln at Cooper Union
Read a goddamn book