Try space station 14! 5 months ago
We can’t make art because of capitalism. Fucking sad.
They don’t sell because no fucking company wants to market a product that they can’t milk every fucking cent from. They aren’t producing anything of value, only subscriptions, game passes and addictive gambling loot boxes.
Games as a service is a scam. Stop preordering the latest AAA wank and support indie devs.
More standalone experiences that are unique and creative instead of factory produced sludge. 5 months ago 5 months ago
There are still good AAA games. The trick is to wait for reviews with gameplay videos and only buy the good ones. 5 months ago
Yeah, buy them two years later once the bugs have been finally patched and the DRM is ripped out and gameplay doesn’t stutter anymore.
Or just 🏴☠️ AAA and give that money to indie devs that are actually trying to produce a unique and creative experience. 5 months ago
Bro, most of the games I’ve been playing are ports of older titles, Indie Games, or straight up non-profit fan games (Dr. Robotnik’s Ring Racers is the kart game of the ever btw) 5 months ago
I only buy games which are 5 years or older at this point. 5 months ago
Valid, gotta know which games won’t run on FOMO and if it’s going to be a case like Overwatch where it starts out as a good game and quickly devolves.