Not just the shoes, but socks as well. Double layer like Wrightsocks complete the blister proofing.
Comment on First overseas trip with my girlfriend – Any tips to make It our best trip? 7 months ago
Buy good walking shoes, not just basic sneakers. Your feet will thank you later.
Download offline maps so you can find your way if you lose data/reception.
If your travel is focused on going around and not staying put at your accommodation (i.e. resort), don’t bother with getting super expensive hotels. What’s important is that it’s clean and safe. You can use the money saved for when you’re actually going around.
Save scans of your passports and other important documents on your phone or somewhere online, in case it gets lost or stolen. 7 months ago 7 months ago
If possible pay to have international service in that country with internet data, I did it when I visited Japan last year and the extra 30 bucks were worth it for the couple weeks I spent there. I had Hotspot available to me as well and I used it to ensure my traveling companions also had access to data. I actually looked into getting a mobile Hotspot rented but just paying for international was a better deal for me.
Plus one for the offline maps. You never know if you’re going by an area with poor reception.
If it’s a country where you don’t speak the language check out the translating apps. Google does a great job and I also used DeepL to great effect.