Eh, it adds variety. I’d grow rather bored of addressing everyone as “friend”, “buddy”, etc.
Comment on Is everyone here leftist? 7 months agoThat’s a leftist. You’re a leftist, buddy.
I relate a bit, though. I think it’s cringe when socialists call each other “comrade”. 7 months ago 7 months ago
Is a communist the same as a progressive? A democratic socialist the same as an anarchist? Call me what you want but like I said, it’s reductive and meaningless. 7 months ago
Progressives aren’t a thing, it’s simply an Amaerica counter label to conservatives so they have something to attack.
And as an anarchist, I’ve no problem being lumped in with like minded views.
We’re leftists and proud of it. 7 months ago
Because you say so?
Nonsense. 7 months ago
As an umbrella label? Yes. It’s an American term used to describe those who are in extreme opposition to conservative views.
But please, tell me what being a progressive values compared to any other leftist. What makes a progressive different from a anarchist, communist, or a dem soc who have defined values and beliefs? 7 months ago
Communism is the conservative authoritarian dogma. The exact opossite of progress… or anarchy. 7 months ago
Lol, said confidently by someone who very clearly has not read anything marxist 7 months ago
You’re thinking of tankies.
Communism is a stateless, classless, system where people enact mutualism and socialism without state coercion. 7 months ago
Why must we divide the tribe? I don’t know how leftist who can’t identify as such plans to exercise collective power. But you do you.