Planet Coaster 1 certainly wasn’t half-finished. The developers actively listened to the community and constantly made free improvements for years after release.
Sure, it has lots of DLC packs, but none of them are in any way essential.
Comment on Planet Coaster 2 : Announcement Trailer 7 months ago
All I’ve ever heard about planet coaster is that it’s an unfinished mess that got half-finished with hundreds of dollars of dlc, so hearing another is in the works is kind of like…
Maybe finish your first helping before getting another slice of pizza?
Man, I really want to play some elite dangerous, now…
Planet Coaster 1 certainly wasn’t half-finished. The developers actively listened to the community and constantly made free improvements for years after release.
Sure, it has lots of DLC packs, but none of them are in any way essential.
That’s just not true. The game sits at 91% positive reviews on steam and has a meta critic of 84.
I get how the scenery heavy aspect might not be every management enjoyers Cup of tea, but the it’s a well received game. 7 months ago
Ehhh. the game is coming up on 8 years, it’s definitely time for engine upgrades. Also the majority of DLC is themed packs (ghostbusters, back to the future and the like) with scenery, a single ride, and a single coaster. I wouldn’t consider it half-finished.