Thanks you for the drawing! I’ll check that band out later
Comment on Post a prompt, have an art from this insane russian 5 months agoCano being overwhelmed by billions of realities where they are happy even if they don’t notice that.
Being happy for a depressed person is hard, and that realization made me love, kiss, slopy-style, the name IDLES gave to their most popular album: Joy as an act of Resistance. Idk your taste, but maybe these UK punks can make you feel seen at least. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Many of their songs aren’t light and touch topics like toxic masculinity, violence, hatred, burnout, but there’s one I find very fitting.
If someone talks to you
The way you do to you
I’d put their teeth through
Love yourself! 5 months ago
Isn’t this The Scream? 5 months ago
That’s a valid question. I’d come to it right after I figure out how these hands work. Our written history knows wars started for even less significant reasons, so I’m pretty pretty damn serious.
Image 5 months ago
Reminds me of the reddit mascot…