nah, you’re the wrong here buddy
Comment on Anon is anti drugs 7 months agoNo it’s fucking not.
And this kind of thinking is why the local cops raided a clinic my town and why doctors in my town are now scared to prescribe it.
This is what happens when people stigmatize and demonize legal meds that actually help folks who genuinely need it. 7 months ago 7 months ago
I take it myself and have done so for 10+ years, and know the chemistry of it. It’s in the same tree, but it’s absolutely not meth.
If it were meth, it’d be call meth. 7 months ago
Adderall is not meth, but it’s still a form of speed/amphetamine and is still addictive to some neurotypical people. Maybe not as addictive or dangerous, but very much in the same category.
In fact actual meth is sometimes prescribed to ADHD patients in small doses. It’s called Desoxyn. 7 months ago
Adderall is not meth, but it’s still a form of speed/amphetamine
Yes. Absolutely. But it is not meth. 7 months ago
Cops raided a pharmacy because they needed a fix. Foia the body cam footage if they got them.