no free speech, no encryption, no bodily autonomy means dictatorship
Comment on The moon landings were single-staged! 8 months agoThe dictatorship of Australia? 8 months ago 8 months ago
Australia has free speech. Encryption is not banned. In what way do you think Australians have no bodily autonomy
A dictatorship requires a dictator. We definitely don’t have one of those. 8 months ago
Hol’up, are you talking about the vaccine mandates? 8 months ago
I too feel like I’m missing context on a joke here.
This was before the fateful Whitlam dismissal by the monarchy / potentially the CIA. 8 months ago
By vice regal, not regal. It was the governor general that dismissed the Whitlam government, not the monarchy 8 months ago
The palace papers revealed the royals knew and had discussed the possibility on a handful of occasions well before the sacking, even going so far as to discuss preemptively that the monarch would not wish to take the advice of the prime minister in replacing the governor general “If such an approach was made you may be sure that The Queen would take most unkindly to it” as written by her personal secretary.
Further, the vice regal is an extension of the regal. Nek minnit you’re gonna say, oh the US president only ordered drone strikes, it was actually the drone operators who did the killing!
Monarchy being non-political my arse. And this isn’t the only time the royals have been seen to favour the conservatives. No surprise there of course, there is no struggle other than the class struggle.
Fuck the Queen, fuck the monarchy, fuck the conservatives for withholding supply, and fuck the governor general.
(Not fuck you, though, even if you do like the royals) 8 months ago
I’m all for making Australia a republic, and thanks for that, I hadn’t heard that the dismissal was discussed by the Queen, but of course the GG could and can consult with the crown if they’re unsure of the correct path and the regent of the day is willing to take their call 8 months ago
Shhh. We don’t talk about that anymore.