Comment on Factorio Friday Facts #418 - Space Age release date 7 months agoSame. I have a general rule that I don’t pre-order. I also tend to wait for review to come in. This is because I’ve been burned in the past. I made exceptions to the latter rule for CP2077 and KSP2, and we all know how those went.
So what used to be more like general guidelines for myself have now become strict rules.
But Factorio has earned an exception. They’ve proven time and time again that the game is a product of passion and not (primarily, at least) profits. This has been clearly visible since I first bought it during early access in 2016 or thereabouts.
So its expansion will be instabuy for me. The game has simply given me so many hours of entertainment that one could argue that if anything, at least I will now have paid full price for the game I already have (I don’t remember what I paid for Factorio, but it was dirt cheap). 7 months ago
It’s reasonably easy to guess exactly what you paid for the game, since the only change in price since launch was a $5 bump in January last year. It’s never been on sale. 7 months ago
It’s never been on sale, but the price HAS gone up multiple times since it was first launched in alpha. 7 months ago
Completely blanked on early access pricing, so yes, if you bought it before release then it was likely cheaper still. 7 months ago
By “launch”, you mean its release date, right? I paid for early access years before that. 7 months ago
That is true, I didn’t even think of early access. 7 months ago
I bought Factorio for 20$, and my friend bought it for 25$, And now it costs 35$.
So there have been different prices over the years 7 months ago
I assume both the $20 and $25 prices were during alpha/early access. Was thinking entirely of release pricing. 7 months ago
I don’t remember when Factorio was in early access. But I can see in my steam purchase history I bought it 1. Sep 2017