Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: đŸ» Monday, July 01, 2024 ⁚3⁩ ⁚days⁩ ago

I have a business idea for anyone that wants to take it. I noticed Red Hat have a partner page, and their aren’t a lot of Australian based companies on there. LibreOffice also has a page about LibreOffice enterprise and LibreOffice in the cloud.

Go through the certifications and you could have your own consultancy that sets up Linux and LibreOffice for businesses.

It’s not a guaranteed money maker and you’d need to offer other services, but it’s nice to know there’s an option to get people off Windows. There might be demand for it with concerns around recall and the demands of Windows 11.

Do with this what you want, I don’t have the time, skills, or network to make this viable myself.
