no-no, ofc it’s not that, it’s ALSO bitching about the thesis with your classmates
Comment on My name is graphito and I'm a conclusion shopaholic 5 months ago
Right. Science is not selectively choosing information like a high-schooler supporting a thesis in a five paragraph essay. 5 months ago 5 months ago
now journalism, sociology, economics and civics, on the other hand… 5 months ago
oh no! don’t wreck their whole paradigm in one comment!! 5 months ago
I wonder how much the reasonably common “being assigned this stance to write about” assignments play a role in this.
I went to meaningfully above average schools by a lot of metrics, including spending, and I still did way more “persuasive writing” assignments where I was handed a conclusion than ones where I was free to draw my own and justify it. So I was literally taught to do this and basically had to unlearn it. 5 months ago
You’re taught to trust and memorize everything you’re told, until you move to higher education where you’re taught to question and validate information. Without proper education in the latter, the desire to doubt remains without the tools to properly research information.
That’s why there’s a financial boundary on higher education. They can’t have poor people thinking for themselves. 5 months ago
An intellectually honest essay would “steel man” the opposing arguments, then proceed to demonstrate why they’re all wrong. Unfortunately, you don’t get the opportunity to be intellectually honest when you’re assigned a conclusion.