Casino Royale is my favorite movie, and I’m not a bond fan otherwise, so I definitely agree that it stands alone
Comment on Basic thoughts after I recently re-watched the Craig-era Bond Films 6 months ago
When I saw Casino, I was blown away. I still think that’s it for the franchise, they’ll never top that movie. I’ve seen most of the newer ones since Casino, and to me I’m right.
And to me, Casino works standalone. That ending is the perfect implication of what happens next.
My favourites before Casino were From Russia With Love, Live and Let Die, and The Spy Who Loved Me.
I did really like Roger Moore, I thought his light hearted adventure style Bond movies were a lot of fun (not always good 😐) 6 months ago 6 months ago
Have you seen him in the TV show “The Saint”? It’s basically him as Bond before Bond existed. 6 months ago
I haven’t seen it. I have heard about it, but was well before my time. It was early 90s that my dad showed me all the Bond films and let me read his books.
If it had been running repeats on tv I’m sure my dad would have had us all watching it though.