Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: 🍵 Sunday, June 30, 2024 ⁨1⁩ ⁨week⁩ ago

A batch of mayonnaise has now been made, ready to go on my fish burger for dinner.

When I was a kid we used to make this horrible concoction based on condensed milk that we called mayonnaise, I am very grateful that is no longer a thing in my life. I don’t really like the standard purchased mayonnaise these days either. There was one brand of whole egg mayonnaise that I liked, but they changed from glass jars to plastic recently so I decided it is time to stop being lazy and start making my own. Last time I made it I pasturised the egg first, this time I decided to live on the edge and use it raw. If I die of salmonella poisoning in the next couple of weeks you will know where it came from.
