You are a bit stupid if you think that, no offense, any vote not going to dems is going to the fascists who will grab power in the US if given the chance, on the other hand if you liked the recen Civil War movie and want to role play it IRL in a few years, then who am I to judge
Comment on jeff 8 months agoThere’s this thing right. and it’s called voting for an independent or not voting at all. It’s not like your being forced to vote for a turd sandwich or a giant douche. If you want to vote for a giant douche or a turd sandwich then that’s okay. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Damn I should have known when you shared this meme format that’s usually conservatives attempting to dunk on liberal tweets 8 months ago 8 months ago
True, but only the main two really stand a little chance of getting in. 8 months ago
You’ve got a point. The main two were voted in though. 8 months ago
That’s not very useful if there are no more elections.