Any my argument is that 3 ≠ 0.333…
We’re taught about the decimal system by manipulating whole number representations of fractions, but when that method fails, we get told that we are wrong.
In chemistry, we’re taught about atoms by manipulating little rings of electrons, and when that system fails to explain bond angles and excitation, we’re told the model is wrong, but still useful.
This is my issue with the debate. Someone uses decimals as they were taught and everyone piles on saying they’re wrong instead of explaining the limitations of systems and why we still use them.
For the record, my favorite demonstration is useing different bases.
In base 10: 1/3 ≈ 0.333… 0.333… × 3 = 0.999…
In base 12: 1/3 = 0.4 0.4 × 3 = 1
The issue only appears if you resort to infinite decimals. If you instead change your base, everything works fine. Of course the only base where every whole fraction fits nicely is unary, and there’s some very good reasons we don’t use tally marks much anymore, and it has nothing to do with math. 8 months ago
the problem is it makes my brain hurt 8 months ago
honestly that seems to be the only argument from the people who say it’s not equal. at least you’re honest about it.
by the way I’m not a mathematically adept person. I’m interested in math but i only understand the simpler things. which is fine. but i don’t go around arguing with people about advanced mathematics because I personally don’t get it.
the only reason I’m very confident about this issue is that you can see it’s equal with middle- or high-school level math, and that’s somehow still too much for people who are too confident about there being a magical, infinitely small number between 0.999… and 1. 8 months ago
to be clear I’m not arguing against you or disagreeing the fraction thing demonstrates what you’re saying. It just really bothers me when I think about it like my brain will not accept it even though it’s right in front of me it’s almost like a physical sensation. I think that’s what cognitive dissonance is. Fortunately in the real world this has literally never come up so I don’t have to engage with it. 8 months ago
no, i know and understand what you mean. as i said in my original comment; it’s not intuitive. but if everything in life were intuitive there wouldn’t be mind blowing discoveries and revelations… and what kind of sad life is that?