Comment on The internet connects people

<- View Parent ⁨3⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Yeah you’re not writing the books, you got billionaire think-tanks doing it for you, and so far your statistics don’t actually prove the point you’re trying to make.

We never measured loneliness in the past 100 yrs in trans and bisexual communities, so we have nothing to compare to, and your single study knows not to make claims about “these days” that you are making here, for all we know it’s exactly like i said - its been worse and now its better, even if it’s still bad.

Likewise general loneliness studies take into account the increased awareness and openness around mental health and pin it as one of the potential causes as well as the declining purchasing power (a requirement to socialize) and lack of funding for local governments to prop up infrastructure for public spaces as well as a lack of public transport and suburbanization all long before they even touch social media, which is only ever mentioned by MSMs as a scare tactic to clickbait readers, and there’s still the fact that a 100 years ago the exact same arguments about loneliness were being made and likewise blamed on progress and technology like the printing press by reactionaries and yes, there was a moral panic about books getting everyone to stop socializing and only read instead.

So it’s actually you who personalizes everything, and instead of defending your arguments with logic you Appeal to (somewhat doubtful) authority which doesn’t even back up your point, you draw your own conclusions and project them onto the data - a classic misuse of statistics

have a confirmation bias

Yes I do, but so do you, and so far you’ve yet to present anything actually remotely convincing. I don’t have a stake in this personally, I don’t use social media and idc about it, it was a mistake to have it, I just like the internet because I can buy drugs with crypto without the fuzz and glowie opportunists.

and you like the little tech bubble you live in

Do pray tell what is this “tech bubble”? Are you going to resort to calling me a techbro now just because I know things you don’t? You do know where you are right?

Also “bubbles” aren’t real, that whole craze about how we were all in echo chambers on the internet was completely manufactured and thoroughly debunked - it’s actually the opposite

At this point though if you fall prey to algos that’s on you imo. Just don’t use algorithmic platforms with a profit incentive ez pz we have foss fediverse clients and instances for a reason. Same as complaining about streaming costs, just pirate that shit.

I left Tumblr because I couldn’t patch out the ads with Vanced and I don’t tolerate advertising in any way shape or form, thankfully on the internet it can be disabled with Sponsorblock, DeArrow, privacy badger, unlock etc., unlike IRL where the psychic damage is unstoppable.

so it must not be a problem overall if it doesn’t affect you personally.

Plenty of things don’t affect me personally, the genocide in Gaza, homelessness (though I was close to it), lack of entry level jobs for graduates, COVID, layoffs, medical bills etc. but I believe they are all problems, the mismanagement and exploitation of society by the capitalist class and imperial ambitions make my blood boil.

I strive to cultivate that hate, to anhiliate the state as my civic duty, but I just like to maintain some basic intellectual honesty while I do so, and not fallback to noble savage and greenwashing fallacies of the anprim ecofash reactionary crowd who just are vaguely upset by aesthetics of modernity.
