Comment on The heart we can't neglect indeed 8 months agoDon’t expect any “charitable organization” run by billionaires, they’re basically all there the funnel money from a billionaire to themselves in a way that lets them lower their tax burden and try to control public policy to further enrich themselves.
Keeping to that shithead gates, he pushed common core, admitted it was a failure, and kept pushing it. Billionaires are a box, and deserve to get the ol’ French aristocrat treatment. 8 months ago
Okay I hate Bill Gates as much as anybody because he is a greedy scum sucking billionaire with extreme self-interest, but common core didn’t fail because it was a bad idea. Setting a common standard for all of education is not a bad thing. The problem was that it was introduced during the Obama administration and the conservative think tanks went to work immediately to put our propaganda trying to make it into yet another culture war prerogative. It’s been most recently tied to critical race theory even though CRT isn’t taught in anything but collage law classes.
In fact, the one that pisses me off most is how they’ve demonized the new math curriculum simply because it doesn’t jive with how it was taught in the past. But the way it was taught before was thought up by 1800’s school marms and the new math standards were developed by actual mathematicians who knows how math works far better than a 19th century school teacher. Kids who are taught the new math standards will be capable of more advanced math far sooner than their parents and grandparents ever were.