Comment on Hello lovelies!!! 8 months ago
I was going to type something mean about her but I’m afraid she could sense I was rude on the internet and telepathically cause my skull to explode like a hard boiled egg in a microwave. 8 months ago
TIL hard boiled eggs can explode in a microwave and that the explosion can be as loud as 133 decibels. For reference sake, a gunshot is about 155 decibels depending on caliber, so that’s one loud ass egg. 8 months ago
That’s actually not a very good comparison since, decibels being a base 10 exponential scale, the loudness of 133 and 155 decibels are not at all comparative.
A much better comparison is a 1984 Motörhead concert:
And that’s still MUCH less loud than a microwave eggsplosion!