Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: šŸŽ™ļø oršŸŽ¤? Saturday, June 22, 2024 āØ2ā© āØweeksā© ago

Laundry all done and hanging up outside. Others have got laundry out as well so Iā€™ve had to hang mine fairly close. If it doesnā€™t dry by 4pm, Iā€™ll have to hope that it doesnt get too damp overnight and dries off fully by about 9am tomorrow.

Did the frustrating big-inertia job of wiping down all the surfaces in the bathroom, after the tile work done on Tuesday with no notice left a fine layer of dust on everything since I couldnā€™t move anything out. The chemical smell is almost completely gone now after 4 full days, got the balcony door and study room window open to air this place out a bit. That should close that particular chapter of temporary unpleasantness.

Next thing is vacuuming and thenā€¦ final big inertia job, mopping the floors. I hate to confess how long itā€™s been, but in winter I really do let it go because I wear slippers indoors. The floor needs a mop to lift off the dust though. Iā€™d like to freshen up the energy of this place before my RL cake day very soon. But I haaaate mopping.
