Comment on How many people actually want fully on-site IT jobs?

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨week⁩ ago

because Mike, I swear to god, you keep clicking that pen and I’m gonna find a new home for it

Hahahahah, oh man, I hear ya!

Seriously, I’m as anti-social asbthey come, but I’ve learned the value of people being in the same space. It’s the way we’re wired, and no, calls/video/virtual stuff is no replacement.

And I’ve had a million random conversations between calls/meetings that have solved many issues, or provided opportunity for improving relationships, etc. These conversations just don’t happen when you’re remote - I say this as someone who’s worked hybrid since the 90’s - there’s no replacement for being in the same space. Again, I’m someone that finds being in the office exhausting - I’d rather be remote.
