This kind of infuriates me. On rare occasions loading into the game (unmodified) it’ll glitch out and forget to render the borders for a good 5 minutes or until first teleport. Like come on! I can see it! I know you’re doing it!
Another game, Code Vein (shut up, I love it, just embrace some trash from time to time) did the same thing. I could tell because the layering was messed up and your partner’s nameplate would render over the black borders by mistake … 8 months ago
It doesn’t fuck with the mechanics or anything does it? I tried unlocking Katamari Damacy when I got it on Steam and it worked but also became unplayable 😮💨 8 months ago
So far I haven’t noticed any mechanics changing, but I might be missing something? It miiiiight mess up stuff like parry timing, but I don’t think it does.