Comment on Elden Ring: Shadows of the Erdtree will come with a day 1 patch with various improvements 5 months ago
Sadly for me unless they’re fixing their terrible networking/co op system and adding an option to turn off the insanely annoying invasion system in giving it a pass.
As much as I enjoyed the base game, I don’t think I can put up with that along with having to relearn how to play. 5 months ago
The co-op sucks, but I’m pretty certain invasions don’t occur unless you summon somebody.
If you’re adamant about playing co-op without invasions, you have to mod the game, unfortunately. 5 months ago
Seamless co-op is pretty great, dev said he has some fixes and qol stuff planned for the DLC update version 5 months ago
+1 for seamless co-op. Since I first tried it, I swore off the native co-op, it’s honestly in a league of its own. 5 months ago
Same, I’m having a hard time deciding how to play the upcoming dlc, do I just wait till seamless updates? That could take like a month+ or do I bite the bullet and make a vanilla char again to prep…