An install of ICUE on windows takes up multiple gigabytes. Why? Uhm, good question.
same with razers software you gotta sign in
Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 8 months ago
ignoring the fact that it’s absolutely horrid.
An install of ICUE on windows takes up multiple gigabytes. Why? Uhm, good question.
An install of ICUE on windows takes up multiple gigabytes. Why? Uhm, good question.
same with razers software you gotta sign in
synapse also tried to automatically install itself through windows update, which i didnt appreciate, though im pretty sure that was windows fault, not synapse, though it still sucks so fuck synapsee.
And when you plug your razer mouse into a windows host or computer it will get you to download synapse
ah yes the classic “trust me bro i’m safe” usb trick 8 months ago
they just went dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 bs=1G of=./ICUEAppData 8 months ago
three times over, no less.