Comment on Hogwarts Legacy fans rejoice as new Harry Potter game officially announced for September

<- View Parent ⁨2⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

I see your position, my response was more a vent about the thread in general up to this point, and people like Nima up there, who would prefer to pretend the matter doesn’t exist at all. I wouldn’t consider people like that allies. They’re closer to the group of racists who like to claim that racism doesn’t exist any more.

The fact is, that was my point from the beginning. It literally started with “No, Harry Potter and transphobia are not totally separate issues,” (albeit in a sarcastic manner returning the energy I was initially met with) which is a concept that immediately drew vitriol.

Your response seemed genuine, but also seemed to miss the point, which is why you caught my venting.
