nah, no pancakes :)
Comment on Missing cold pizza 8 months agoJust curious about why you need toast AND pancakes, not just one or the other? 8 months ago 8 months ago
Sorry I spelled hashbrowns wrong.
Let me rephrase; why do you like both toast AND hashbrowns? 8 months ago
they’re sufficiently different in my opinion. one is bread, the other is potato. the hashbrowns, ideally a bit greasy, are little shredded potato vehicles for Chipotle hot sauce. the toast is a buttery bread vehicle for egg yolk. 8 months ago
I see, the four flavours on your plate each get paired up with another.
I, a 170lb 6’2" dude , have to choose one carb over the other because I can’t stomach both, but I notice it’s common for menu items to have toast on the side of another type of grain, so I figured it must be for a reason 8 months ago
These are not interchangeable for me.
Pancakes are a filling main item, dressed with syrup. Toast is a vehicle for egg yolk, jelly/jam, or as a sandwich foundation.