here we go again
is also: @experbia@kbin.social
was: /u/experbia
- Comment on California’s new law forces digital stores to admit you’re just licensing content, not buying it 5 months ago:
“get” or “acquire” or “add to collection” or “snag”… or any other vomit inducing roundabout corporate speak
- Comment on My Tool phase 5 months ago:
I love how there’s basically nothing but love for Tool in these comments. I’m a big fan of whatever Maynard James Keenan’s touching. I adore Puscifer and listen constantly (Grand Canyon is my current obsessive-replay song… once again), APC literally always fucks hard so it’s always an option, and Tool scratches an itch I can’t get anywhere else. Saw Tool live finally, too, just like last year.
- Comment on Reddit Undeleted all my posts and comments 6 months ago:
you dumb piece of shit.
😢 I know, I’m sorry, I’m trying
- Comment on whole 99 8 months ago:
carpet for your only hole 99c
- Comment on Depending on how you count 8 months ago:
clearly a landing pad for alien anglers
- Comment on Missing cold pizza 8 months ago:
they’re sufficiently different in my opinion. one is bread, the other is potato. the hashbrowns, ideally a bit greasy, are little shredded potato vehicles for Chipotle hot sauce. the toast is a buttery bread vehicle for egg yolk.
- Comment on Missing cold pizza 8 months ago:
nah, no pancakes :)
- Comment on Missing cold pizza 8 months ago:
- coffee - cream and sugar
- toast - sourdough, buttered
- hash browns - add Chipotle Tabasco
- bacon - barely crispy
- eggs - over easy, so I can dip my toast in the runny yolk
- more coffee - more cream and more sugar
best breakfast. fite me.
might make breakfast for dinner tonight. - Comment on Missing cold pizza 8 months ago:
like how a group of crows is a “murder”, I hold that a group of coffees is a “nebula”
- Comment on Anyone else? 9 months ago:
his role in JJ made me realize what a damn good actor he is. I love his evil roles! he played petulant psychopath so well.
- Comment on 'They don’t have enough’ – schools in England are running food banks for families as millions struggle to feed their children, researcher says 10 months ago:
the owner class says it has, so it has. they know better than us! get back to work, peasant, and I don’t want to hear any whining about expenses. you won’t make liars out of us!
- Comment on I feel so old. 10 months ago:
I have reached the age where I find gags like this - and the massive cringe effect they inflict on young folks - fucking hilarious.
i’m comfortable with my fate. who ever really needed hair on their head anyway?
- Comment on The world has become Applefied. 10 months ago:
- Comment on Counterspell this 1 year ago:
no… no! Don’t remind me of Outlaw Star!
I’ll need to watch it again! It’s been so very long. It is such a core part of my aesthetic & genre preferences since I first saw it as a teenager, but I haven’t seen it in a good while.
- Comment on Anon learns to love the bath bomb 1 year ago:
I’ll be fine. I have a waterproof phone and waterproof earbuds.
- Comment on Cant play monster hunter 1 year ago:
wish I could pair a PS5 controller.
You can! I use a Mayflash Magic-NS for this. I got a few and plugged them into a USB hub on my dock and my friends have been able to use their own comfortable controllers they use for their pc games on my switch. been a big hit for smash bros. ps4/ps5 controllers support gyro inputs fine too. you can even configure it to switch button orders/layouts and stuff for you so you don’t get xbox/nintendo xyab/yxba glyph/button conflicts, if you need. big fan of them overall. they work on other systems and controllers too, you can pair joycons to your PC with it (shows up as Xbox controller), they’re like universal “controller language” translators.
- Comment on The more you know 1 year ago:
not consistently. I find there are basically two schools of thought in 3d graphics:
the screen is a graph representing a 3d space: the x axis is horizontal, the y axis is vertical. depth, going ‘into’ the screen, then becomes the z axis. mathematicians and programmers tend to like this.
the screen is a camera viewing a 3d space from within itself: the coordinates to position yourself along a line is one dimensional: x. to position yourself on a plane as in a 2d game, two dimensional: x, y. to position yourself within a volume, three dimensional: x, y, z. humans are kind of inherently planar spatial navigators - it’s easy to think about our position in terms of “where on the ground” we are, then adjust for height. 3d artists and level designers tend to like this.
- Comment on Legendary exit for a legendary creator 1 year ago:
Yep, same for me. It’s hard to explain. It’s unfair, because it’s so arbitrary, but something about him feels somehow insincere, and it makes me uncomfortable.
- Comment on I got this popup ad on my TV **while watching a DVD** 1 year ago:
I was able to trick mine by connecting it to an AP with all traffic blocked. it assumes their services are down or something? and just slips right back into working fine with no nags or ads.