Comment on A Tax of 5% on The World’s Multi-Millionaires and Billionaires Could Raise $1.7 trillion, Enough to Lift 2 Billion People out of Poverty ⁨3⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Had a friend in the day named Mike. Mike was horrified when he found out the government burned worn out bills.

“We should be giving that money to poor people!” By which Mike meant “ME!”

“So Mike, do you realize the government could easily print $1,000,000 for every citizen and just give it to us?”

“Fuck yeah man! Why don’t they do that?”

“I mow lawns for a living, $20 a pop (this was 90’s money and I was cheap). If I had a million and you had a million, everybody had a million, fuck I want with $20?! Now it’s $20,000 to even consider mowing your yard.”

Mike did not see the problem with this because my original price, $20, would still buy me a McDonalds meal. Mike was dumber than a rock.

Tax the snot out them and spread it to the public good, but it’s childish thinking 2 billion people would suddenly not be poor.
