Comment on Daily discussion thread: šŸ›ļøšŸ•™šŸ”šŸ˜¾ šŸ›‹ļøšŸ“ŗ Tuesday, June 11, 2024

<- View Parent āØ3ā© āØmonthsā© ago

Faaar out. Nooo.

Iā€™m so sorry you went from being sick on your trip to coming back to this guyā€¦

Do you have a complaints process? From experience complaints to government services tend to go into ā€˜the round fileā€™ (ie. the bin) and I know this is a lot to put on you.

But it might be a smart move to buy a cheap A4 notebook and note the times and dates of any incidents. Put in complaints as often as you can for as long as you can stand it. Guy swears at you or damages something or clogs the toilet? Write down the incident, time and date. Cops show up? What happened, time and date (and cops names and station if possible). Unnecessarily high bill from something heā€™s done? Time and date. Something of yours goes missing? You know what to do.

It sucks and feels useless but it lays a paper trail demonstrating a pattern of behaviour that might get him kicked out, lay the foundations for an IVO if one is ever needed (touch wood it isnā€™t), or may hopefully protect you from liability for something stupid heā€™s done. I am so sorry youā€™re having to deal with this especially at your young age.

Ps. Definitely get the lockable toolbox for under your bed and bike chain it to the frame out of sight. Grab yourself a lanyard to keep keys on you and lock your door even just to go to the toilet.

Also - you probably know this already, and may have already been doing this in the old place. But since this kid sounds like a problem it might be cautious to not leave your own personal toiletries in a shared bathroom in case they get used up, stolen or messed with.

Maybe buy a wash bag or a beach bag to have your own toiletries in, keep them in your room and carry to the bathroom as you need them.

A few generic ā€œsharedā€ things in the bathroom as window dressing are all I would leave out around a person like this. (A bare minimum amount of basic things you donā€™t care about like a cheap bottle of hand soap, a few homebrand bar soaps and the cheapest brand TP.)

Ps. Sorry for if this sounds like a lecture. Iā€™ve just lived with people like this in the past
