Me too, I hate it! Not in a “let’s ban it” way, just in the skin-crawly way that lots of people can’t stand to see pictures of spiders, or like body horror.
Comment on Anon watches a vtuber 9 months ago
I don't know why, but every time I see someone streaming with an avatar moving, emoting, and talking rather than either a person or nothing, it's really uncanny valley to me. I don't know why, but it creeps me out and I can't watch it. 9 months ago 9 months ago
Oh yeah, I wouldn't want to ban it or anything; people should enjoy what they enjoy. I was just wondering if it had the same effect on anyone else. 9 months ago
Yeah, same. I think it’s because avatar will have some level of desync with the audio.
…or blink one eye after another or wink randomly. 9 months ago
Shit I didn’t even know that was an option until literally now. I’ve never watched any game play vids, except when I’m looking to see what the game is like before I buy it - bring back playable demos!!!
I’ve been told by several people that they would watch me play a game for background noise, due to not having time to do it themselves and apparently I have decent technical skills (single player games), but the idea of being filmed doesn’t sit well with me. I did allow someone to remote play to watch the story of horizon zero dawn, but it was just the game itself. 9 months ago
Brian… the demon of Babylon has killed the fat man and wears his skin… we are doomed