Comment on Xbox Games Showcase Deep Dive | Avowed

<- View Parent ⁨2⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

It still significantly increases development costs over the CRPGs of olde. Especially because BG3 felt like the first game that had:

  1. GOOD voice acting
  2. Significant “choice” and branching narratives
  3. Plenty of content that players will “never” see.

Whereas POE2 and similar games very much felt like we were “losing out” a bit to support the VO. Because… we were. We have known that ever since Bioware started doing it.

And yeah. Outer Worlds was basically the same scale as Fallout 3. But people want a giant empty open world. Never managed to finish it (the two times I played I lost interest around the time I got to the capital-ish planet) but had a great time.
