Comment on Who would win: every human in the world vs. every animal in the world? 8 months ago
If you include insects and arthropods and everything suddenly turns into uberbloodlust-kill-all-humans then non-human animals win, hands down. I think people overestimate their ability, the effectiveness of weapons, and the sheer number of insects that are near you at all times. Insect biomass alone outstrips humans by an insane margin. Very few mammals or other animals would get a lick in, I think. There is no hermetically sealed bunker that would hold for long, and that won’t save you from the mites already on your skin although they probably can’t do a ton of a damage. 8 months ago
Mosquitoes are the only thing that kills more humans than other humans. In fact, if you look at the top 10 animals that kill humans and add up 2-9s per year totals they’re a bit less than mosquitoes. Also the list is very bug and parasite heavy.…/List_of_deadliest_animals_to_h… 8 months ago
If only motor vehicles were animals. 8 months ago
This is just like Maximum Overdrive!