- Comment on A step-by-step guide to landing your next job in science 2 months ago:
Pfft even if you know somebody that doesn’t help if hotshot fucking Linda who speaks 5 languages and has a PhD plus 5 years experience at age 28 decides to apply on a whim. She just came back from her fellowship in France, climbed the nearest mountain after running a marathon, has kids, and shares all of the bar crawling hobbies as the interview panel.
But I’m not fucking bitter.
- Comment on A step-by-step guide to landing your next job in science 2 months ago:
Tl;Dr: the same advice as everything. Tailor your resume with keywords from the job description, and write a cover letter.
- Comment on The beetles were heretics! 2 months ago:
Canonically fuckable mothman.
- Comment on Raccoon Poop 3 months ago:
Racoons also basically create latrines where they will all go in the same spot.
And there’s some really bad (bacteria? pathogen?) in it so you have to take extra extra precautions when cleaning a raccoon latrine.
- Comment on brains! 3 months ago:
But poltergeist cat is real!
- Comment on What are the best anti-work movies? 3 months ago:
I did too at first, you’re not alone.
- Comment on pew pew 3 months ago:
No you were supposed to read [The Oatmeal](theoatmeal.com/comics/mantis_shrimp.
- Comment on What do zoos do with dead animals? 3 months ago:
Hello traumatic memory I had been successfully repressing.
- Comment on Toothless is real!! 3 months ago:
I can’t pay attention to the cuteness because I’m trying to figure out the photo credit. Do… do they not believe in et al.?
- Comment on Feral Science 3 months ago:
Pretty sure I have photographic evidence of the leaf monster I spawned to terrorize the overgrown creek bed into revealing its outcroppy secrets.
- Comment on Feral Science 3 months ago:
Actual cannibal Shia Lebeouf?
- Comment on Ahoy me hearties 4 months ago:
- Comment on Friendship is Universal 4 months ago:
Apparently not but mostly inconclusive.
- Comment on Did the concept of 9-5 included a 30 minute lunch and two 15 minute breaks? 4 months ago:
Everything changed. You’re not crazy. If you watch movies made before the 2000s about office culture, including the movie 9 to 5, you can see that the hours included a lunch break. Which was paid.
Yes, those of the older generation had it easier in every way.
- Comment on Why do people see Adopting a Husky Personality and Culture through life inherently bad 4 months ago:
They mean your post is poorly written and hard to parse.
- Comment on Do you have what it takes to become a geologist? 4 months ago:
You’re not wrong.
- Comment on This might also apply to conferences. 5 months ago:
Jesus fuck
- Comment on This might also apply to conferences. 5 months ago:
Look maybe I just am tired of sitting, did you ever think of that?!
Lol, nah it’s because I was late. Or might leave.
- Comment on Hummingbird feeders 5 months ago:
I read late October
- Comment on Mental hell 5 months ago:
Geology. A PhD is unnecessary unless you want to work in academia (bleh) or for the USGS, which is prestigious but hard to get into even with a PhD. So I’ve heard. There likely would be no appreciable salary increase and in fact would fall into the “overqualified” trap. Master’s is the standard level employers desire.
I’m unemployed and bummed about it and looking at the PhD because having a project like that sounds awesome.
- Comment on Mental hell 5 months ago:
I’m staring at a PhD and genuinely considering it. I already have an M.S. and that was brutal. But my career stalled and nobody is hiring. Plus I hate myself. Should I do it?
I just want to do a cool project. I have no interest in academia, lol.
- Comment on Weevil time 5 months ago:
I agree
- Comment on Be more specific 5 months ago:
Am geologist. You got it.
2 years should have gotten you through petro and geomorph so you’re just as qualified as a lot of grads. Nobody ever remembers anything from structure.
- Comment on Be more specific 5 months ago:
- Comment on Birds and the bees 5 months ago:
I didn’t know hornets/wasps made honey. I thought it was just honey bees.
- Comment on Is there a wig that doesn't heat your head? 5 months ago:
Yes. Wigs are sweltering hot, sweaty, and itchy. I’ve only worn synthetic though, but I’ve heard human hair wigs are better but not by much.
You can get used to it or suffer through depending on how sensitive you are.
- Comment on how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me? 5 months ago:
I just was rejected from 5 jobs in a row. I straight up asked how I could have been a more competitive candidate. I got some specific feedback about software I didn’t know (fair), an answer on a questionnaire that was milquetoast (also fair), but mostly kind things said. They’re not going to drag you but it can be a productive conversation.
- Comment on Was Elvis Presley a pedo? 5 months ago:
It was gross back then too. In the 90s the Coasties would trawl the junior high girls. 25 year old men “dating” 13 year olds. We all knew it was gross as fuck and not okay but small town cops didn’t give a fuck. Hell there was a deputy “dating” a 16 year old too.
It wasn’t looked at differently in the 90s.
A guy in my class knocked up a 14 year old during senior year and we basically all stopped talking to him because fucking ew, dude.
- Comment on Hummingbird Feeders 5 months ago:
Good idea. I did put out a second one like 5 feet away and haven’t seen any flights but a third would probably even everything out. Thanks!
- Comment on Hummingbird Feeders 5 months ago:
I only have 2 because they live in the nearby tree and attack any other hummingbirds that try to come for a drink.