Comment on Why don't electric car manufacurers put solar panels on the car roofs? 7 months ago
Solar cells on a car have no real use. You would have to leave the car out in the sun for weeks to months to charge it up just once. 7 months ago
Seems worth offering as an option. If you can get 10-20 kms out of the solar panel in decent time it might be enough of an emergency precaution to give people who live outside of cities less reason to poopoo EVs 7 months ago
There’s two problems with this:
Panels are not free. They cost money to install, weight to move around, and prevent you from a mega-sunroof that most EVs have.
Second, if you think one inconvenient charge per month will make people outside of cities and disparage (for whom EV already offer the most advantages) change their opinion, I think you will be disappointed. Most of them formed their opinion by “but I don’t wanna!”, not by any logical thinking. 7 months ago
This is the exact type of gimmick/bullshit they can utilize to convince people to get over irrational fears. Because people are often irrational when making decisions.
But its also tied directly into the fear of running out of juice in the middle of no where. It offers but actually gives people comfort and security. Its really not meant to actually be used.
I absolutely do think it will change enough minds. I work in the industry from the repair side. But also with people who use their vehicle to pay their wage. I know this can work towards removing that part of the equation because there is a TON of people who dont want EVs to replace ICE and they stoke every dumb fear people have. Having the option, however poorly it performs has always been a net postive as long as it does perform the way its supposed to
Good sales people try to understand what is preventing people from making good choices. Bad ones just lie to you.
Additional costs are exactly what people expect to pay extra for ask in think that’s really a moot point beyond getting the amount in the right ballpark. 7 months ago
I appreciate the long form reasoning, but I disagree. People I’ve met that don’t like EVs, they don’t like EVs first, look for a reason later. There is of course a tiny, minuscule minority that do more than 300 miles of driving a day and cannot spare 15 minutes to charge, but that is well under 0.1% of drivers. 7 months ago
More like 5-10km, and then only on a sunny day in the sun, which would make the car uninhabitable due to the heat.
Better put a few square meters on the roof and use those instead of the 2-3m² you can place on a car at suboptimal angles and with the requirement to park in the baking sun.