Comment on Newsom proposes defunding police, prisons, public safety as California faces massive deficit 5 months agoIt’s a democratic republic. You’re voting democratically for elected officials.
It’s sad that you’d rather cops have megatrucks instead of children having education, or addicts having help getting off drugs, or for the police to actually be accountable to their effectiveness to determine their budget, like every other profession. More than you can comprehend , man.
What possible job would these cops need that truck for? 5 months ago
I am supporting my class. 5 months ago
Nah. You’re up there but you’re not bezos-level. 5 months ago
My interests are keeping addicts in prison and enforcing the laws to keep crime down. I have no interest in treating addicts other than putting them in jail.
We don’t have common interest. Your ideology is what is degrading the country. You expect everyone to give you a handout rather than working for things. It is the major difference between the conservatives and liberals. One ideology is based on earning things and the other is about taking things from others. 5 months ago
Which is just fucking horrible. They’re addicts because of the way human brains work, addicts can and do stay addicts inside prison too, so that’s also not a justifiable solution.
Unfortunately you’re just buying years of conservative propaganda funded by for-profit prisons.
That’s just like, your opinion man.
Nope you’re just parroting right-wing talking points. I genuinely want us all to succeed. That means helping the less fortunate ones or those struggling. That doesn’t mean “handouts”. That means what we pay into the government I want to see benefit all of society. Even the ones you don’t want to look at. That’s all.
This is like, a 2nd grade-level take on the difference.
Once again, it isn’t a culture war. It’s a class war.