Comment on Daily discussion thread: šŸˆā€ā¬›šŸ›ļøšŸˆšŸŖ£ Saturday, June 8, 2024 āØ3ā© āØweeksā© ago

I wish that I couldā€™ve talked it out with him. Respected his need for space and realised he was ignoring me because of that, not because he didnā€™t love me. I wish I couldā€™ve articulated better to him that I was panicking that week. I wish I wasnā€™t so nasty about it to him in the end and had a civil discussion. I wish he didnā€™t give up so easily and that he communicated better as well.

I wish I was over it. People have said I should be over it by now. Everytime I go out, I get paranoid that Iā€™ll see him or any of his people. Anyone that looks remotely like him, I get paranoid and think itā€™s him. I see a car like his or drive through nearby areas and think that Iā€™ll see him. Worrying about it makes it happen twice or some quote along those lines. I want to forget.

The past is in the past. It is what it is. There is nothing I can do to change it, even if I so desperately want to. When the logical part of my brain kicks in, I realise itā€™s normal to miss someone you cared about a lot, even if you donā€™t want them back. It just shows you cared. As for the fears, easier said than done, but I need to realise that time will help me get over it. If I do ever see him again, it might be painful, knowing that in some time, heā€™s going to be building a life with someone that isnā€™t me. On the flip side, I get to build my own life, and probably a better life than what I would build with him.

Iā€™ve been chatting with an online friend I made recently and even they will tell me that theyā€™re going to be busy and actually reply to my long spiels of shit, even though I have absolutely no expectations about any of that. I didnā€™t even have to say anything at all. I realise now that I shouldnā€™t have had to ask for that much reassurance, and even though I think I would lean towards anxiously attached (in relationships), I was dealing with someone who couldnā€™t give me the time of day, leading to blows to my self-esteem and me overthinking.
