6 months ago
Very interesting because the bills will be different sizes similar to other countries currencies. Before they were all fairly fat sized bills.
Honestly it can be worked around, I know places have stickers that read “does not accept new 500 yen”. They can have change machines 両替機 or a counter person that can give out old 1000 yen bills from 5000 yen etc or a token. 6 months ago
It’s also not that expensive to replace the cash receivers on vending machines. There’s a reason they’re on panels. You can basically just pop out individual pieces and swap them 6 months ago
I was about to suggest this. I’m not an expert but I’ve seen the inside part of different type of money accepting machines and they seem relatively easy to adapt, at least from a layman’s point of view.
I know commercial washing machines are relatively easy to fix yourself as an owner since that’s sorta how they’re sold, I don’t suspect this part of the vending machine is that much harder. 6 months ago
Yes…if you don’t have a 20-year-old machine where it’s hard to get modern parts. 6 months ago
You’d be surprised on how long companies make parts for their old stock and what Asian countries you cna just order them from.
We have almost 30 year old typewriters that we easily get parts for at my job. Most people don’t use typewriters anymore, plenty of people still use those money machines in japan still. 6 months ago
This sounds like a great opportunity for someone to design a retrofit for common vending machine models. 6 months ago
Did some Japanese sleuthing. Big firms will be fine, as many commercial PoS systems need simply a firmware update to know what bills to accept.…/index.html
There are a number of ticket machines that are supported with a simple part exchange, a bunch of models listed here:…
The site says there is a possibility that units pre-2017 would be incompatible with an upgrade, but I’m just guessing it’s to ensure customers don’t get angry that they can’t fix their machine from the 80s. 6 months ago
reading this article it's very trickily worded, talking about the "cost of new machines" but never making mention of whether or not the existing machines can be retrofitted with new receivers