Remake it from the ground up instead of using the busted Gearbox port, and I may be interested.
Comment on Halo: Combat Evolved remaster reportedly in the works, being considered for PlayStation release 8 months agoWell I’ve got news for you. They already remastered CE years ago and it looks great. 8 months ago 8 months ago
The online play is garbage. I played in H1 tournaments around the US back when it was good and would love for them to do it better than they did with their remake. The remake actually remade Halo 1 PC, not the Xbox version. 8 months ago
According to who? Halo CE anniversary is higher fidelity than the original sure. But the art direction is all over the place and not at all consistent with the original style. Not to mention the fact they changed the geometry of everything without actually changing collision. Making shots hit walls/trees/objects that are no longer in that spot.
They also just took enemy models straight out of halo reach without any consideration for how those designs match the original games aesthetic.
If you like it, great. I’m happy you’re able to enjoy it. But as someone who grew up with the original the anniversary version was a slap in the face and a blatant cash grab.
That being said I don’t have much faith that a new remake would be much better. 8 months ago
It was also based on Gearbox’s shoddy PC port, so the classic graphics were broken on release and stayed that way for about ten years.