It’s not that hard and the tools can be bought at any auto store. It’s the factory alarm that is supposed to be the deterrent
Comment on Who's gonna tell the boss? 8 months agoNah most locks do their job at keeping the average car thief or other assholes out, the locksmiths have lost of experience and special tools that aforementioned people don’t have. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Shure but it keeps the bad guys out in most cases. 8 months ago
Tbf thieves don’t use these bags, they are perfectly happy to use a hammer. People like the bags for the legal entries because of the whole “not damaging the car” thing most customers of locksmiths are into. 8 months ago
You mean the special tools you can buy on scamazon for 12.99 plus shipping?
Or directly from LPL now…heck I even stumbled across the inflatable bags that you use to pry open doors for like 3.99 at crappy tire. 8 months ago
The locksmith used exactly the bag you’re talking about. He knew just where to place it so the door was minimally torqued. No risk of damage to the vehicle that I could see. He then used a long stick through the small opening to unlock the door. 8 months ago 8 months ago
I didn’t say it was super hard, i said its enough to keep the bad people away. 8 months ago
The best way to stop a bad guy with a lockpick is a good guy with a lockpick. 8 months ago
(Actually the best way is to have a better lock than your next door neighbor.)