Comment on Can I ask this girl out? ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I’m going to go along with most of the other replies. If she’s at work, she’s being nice because that’s her job. I’ve had many men take that the wrong way, and it’s uncomfortable. Like dude, I HAVE to be nice to you. I don’t necessarily WANT to.

If you run into her in the wild, or she comes into your work, I think that’s ok, BUT be prepared to never go back to her work again. Especially if she says no.

If she’s with a bunch of her friends, I’d say to not ask them either, unless you can do it very quietly. Someone else mentioned slipping her your number, and letting it be from there. I’d say that’s probably a good plan of attack. Definitely don’t just walk up to a table with her and her friends and ask her out in front of everyone though.
