coworkers can be rude and nosey AF. I’ve had some like that, too. But lying about your age is not the way to handle it.
I agree. It would be much better to lie about their questions about being single with no kids…
“My family died in a horrible accident while I watched helplessly. I work this shit job so I don’t have to sit at home thinking about it.”
That’s guaranteed to shut them the fuck up and keep them from asking any more nosy questions. 9 months ago
It is perfectly okay to say those things, as well as to threaten escalation, but it won’t make you any friends and probably will result in a hostile work environment … Which is fine, but should be anticipated if taking this approach.
I have no comment on the second half of this response. 9 months ago
It’s OK to make friends at work, but it’s not the primary reason people are there. And mistaking coworkers for friends-by-default can get you into even worse problems than being the unfriendly/private person. Coworkers who ask lots of probing questions often gossip. They use the gathered info against you in order to make themselves look better by comparison. OP just wants to be left alone. Playing reindeer games and engaging in mandatory fun is not a path forward for everyone. Especially those with actual skills beyond kissing butt. I have done well in my career minding my own business and asking others to do the same. You don’t have to throw down a flaming spear to do this. You do it nicely but firmly. It’s standing up for yourself.