Bees are more usefull for us, not for the nature. Wasp also are hardworking animals (ants belong to the same family), but their use in the nature is different, not for pollination, but same as other predators, but for the population balance of other species among others.
Comment on Bees v Wasps 9 months ago
Just further demonstrates, that bees are hardworking contributers to society, while wasps are violent scum. 9 months ago 9 months ago
The exploitater mindset at work, smh, bees are good because you can steal their honey, wasps are bad for defending themselves! 9 months ago
Yeah i actually had the same thought while writing the comment, but wanted to commit to the bit.
“hardworking contributors to society” automatically makes me feel yucky. usually the kind of people that uses words like that seriously, are the people profiting the most from capitalism. 9 months ago
Bees polinate, most wasps don’t. Working in sympathy doesn’t equate exploitation.