My point exactly. That’s why I find it a bit strange that the post and some comments here act like it’s a certainty.
Comment on Cannabis 8 months agoWikipedia: (
Cannabis sativa L.
Cannabis indica Lam.
Cannabis ruderalis Janisch
Taxonomy is difficult, and we're still figuring it all out. 8 months ago 8 months ago
I would, however, point out that the specific page on Cannabis sativa lists them as subspecies. So, it appears there isn't even consensus on Wikipedia. 8 months ago
In mycology one will hear references to 'lumpers' and 'splitters' taxonomically. That is, do we lump these specimens together, or do we split them into difference groupings. When we look at the genetics, it has been the case that we find that those critters that appear similar may not be those that are related by genes/ evolution. And of course by "we" I mean the larger scientific community, not me and the mouse in my pocket. Oh wait, that's not a mouse it's a shrew. ;-)