Comment on ilex remembers the mammoth :)…/december-2012-why-is-holly-prickly
Cool! So it’s European holly that does this. I’ve never seen a non-prickly American holly leaf, tho
that’s because the American is exercising its right to bear arms
Wait are you saying it’s because America had/has more bears still which cause the holly to be prickly or because Americans may carry guns‽
the latter; it was a joke about Americans fetishizing weaponry
I have; if you don’t prune them the leaves stay straight 9 months ago
Cool! So it’s European holly that does this. I’ve never seen a non-prickly American holly leaf, tho 9 months ago
that’s because the American is exercising its right to bear arms 9 months ago
Wait are you saying it’s because America had/has more bears still which cause the holly to be prickly or because Americans may carry guns‽ 9 months ago
the latter; it was a joke about Americans fetishizing weaponry 9 months ago
I have; if you don’t prune them the leaves stay straight