Comment on PSA: the largest piracy community is blocked from ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Ok … do people not think that lawyers send out DMCA takedown notices and coerce police into taking into custody entire servers? Because lawyers send out DMCA takedown notices and coerce police into taking into custody entire servers…

I guess it would be Hetzner instances,, and it would be Hetzner who would get contacted and potentially shut down in their case. Let’s not even talk about the people launching DDoS’es against and how they could abuse it similarly.

It seems has only blocked communities, not entire servers in this case. I mean, get behind all the comments calling for a migration to “avoid instances moderated by clowns” and migrate all you want (wishing migrating was actually possible instead of simply creating new users), but I personally will stay in the server who has a code of conduct that considers legal concerns and doesn’t think that just because they are on the internet in a less popular medium that will eventually grow that it will get ignored.

I’ll just move if it gets taken down for incompetence or bogus reasons anyway, because all the dumb drama doesn’t really matter in the fediverse.
