Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago
Thanks for asking
Nope! There’s nothing wrong with studying God’s creation.
It seems you have found a tract made by a Young Earth Creationist, seems to be someone who also dislikes churches. Likely a radical restorationist like a Seventh Day Adventist. Stuff like this doesn’t represent all of Christianity. In fact, most scientists throughout history were Christians sponsored by the Church. 9 months ago
Which is why the dark ages is where all the science happened in Europe. 9 months ago
The dark ages didn’t happen. They’re a myth perpetuated by protestant historians in the 1900’s who were trying to imply that the era between the fall of the Western Roman empire (600s) and the reformation period (1500’s) were this awful collapse of society due to the Catholic Church ‘straying from gods light’. It’s totally bullshit of course and any modern historian (regardless of religion) wouldn’t use the term. 9 months ago
Catholics quite commonly call it “the illuminated age”