Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago
There are definitely anti educational themes in some strains of Christianity.
In the circles I grew up in, public school was evil for a variety of reasons. The good Christian families would not send their kids to public colleges either. They’d send them to Christian colleges which in many cases are not accredited. Not a good choice if you want to be an engineer or something. OK if just looking for a godly spouse!
We wanted a science fair at our Christian high school but the leadership was against it, lol.
Home schooling is a popular choice in some Christian circles. It’s hard to say that home schooling is a generally pro educational decision.
Think about the Bible. The first story is that God made everything. Cool. The second story is that Adam and Eve wanted knowledge of good and evil and God was like lol no.
Finally, if you want an extreme example, read the book Educated. I guess it’s more about a cult that is a family. But yeah. 9 months ago
Weird considering science doesn’t contradict the Bible, only if you take a very literal interpretation of Genesis 9 months ago
This is literally what Christian fundamentalists believe. If any aspect of the bible is not the literal truth, it all falls apart in their eyes. They are very absolutist.
And it's not just Genesis.
"But translations..."
Hahaha no. It varies by sect but it usually falls under either "our religious founder was guided by God to the true translation" or "The King James version was a work of revelation and it undid all the false translations introduced by the Romans and Greeks."
"But it contradicts itself on key points."
No it doesn't.
"Hey, maybe Lazarus was just in a coma"
Get behind me, Satan.
There is no argument that hasn't been heard and rejected. Disagreement is an attack. 9 months ago
Lazarus was dead, as Jesus is literally God and had the authority to raise Lazarus. That’s not the same thing as applying the human standard of a 24 hour day to the more vague Hebrew word “yom”. There’s no denomination of Christianity that claims their religious founder was guided to the true translation. That sounds more like a splitoff religion such as Mormonism or Jehovah’s Witnesses (Seriously, if they are “Christian” then so is Islam) The King James Onlyists exist but King James was Anglican while they are typically a form of Baptist.