that she thinks she have no bussy
Comment on Bussy? 8 months ago
And your problem is what, exactly? 8 months ago 8 months ago
But she’s getting laid tho, so what’s her problem? 8 months ago
Wtf does this even mean lol 8 months ago
Look, I get that when someone’s perception of you is incongruent with your self-concept it can create an internal conflict, and perhaps affect your self-esteem. The theory of self-perception is essentially based on these ideas.
Here’s how I evaluate the situation in this meme, this lady’s vagina may or may not be a bussy but it’s being perceived that way by at least one partner.
Regardless of the perception of that partner, we don’t know if that lady’s vagina is indeed a bussy, and there’s no way for her to say so herself based on a sample size of 1. So her effective experience is that of someone who has a partner who finds her genitals pleasing, but she’s distorting that experience for herself because of the dissonance between her self-concept of her vagina and whatever her partner thinks that vagina is.
Essentially tho, if her “bussy” is helping her get sexual attention and gratification, then I fail to see the problem. To me, it’s like saying “yeah I have a cake, but it’s not the cake I thought I had”, and I am like, a cake is a cake. Enjoy it. 8 months ago
I think the person is concerned that their partner doesn’t feel comfortable with them. 8 months ago
Yeah thats why you make sure to NOT talk about your feelings like this “concerned” person. If you have problems in a relationship, it is important to talk to anyone but your partner. Best thing to do is, get some advice from complete strangers who do not know you or your partner and have very limited and skewed information. This way you will surely get the right answers! /s 8 months ago
I don’t know, seems like that’s the reason he’s into her, that’s how I read it lol