Many of those boomers retired comfortably without ever learning the slightest bit of computer literacy. Even now, plenty of jobs require little-to-none.
Furthermore, we are in the “dotcom bubble” stage of “AI”. The people least knowledgeable about it are the ones throwing billions of dollars at whoever claims to “use AI” for literally anything. We are on, (or maybe for those of us who are paying attention, right after), the Peak of Inflated Expectations.
Trough of disillusionment dot jpeg
Remember when 5-ish years ago all anyone would talk about in the tech space is how being a truck driver would be an obsolete job in the near future? I remember. 9 months ago
"AI" 9 months ago
Is it possible that I miss out on valuable insights by immediately dismissing the opinions of anyone who refers to machine learning as AI?
Will I stop doing it?
Sure as hell not. 9 months ago
Indeed. Though that's only my surface level complaint.
On a deeper level; LLMs just fuckin' suck ass. They aren't people, stop assuming they can do things that people can do. 9 months ago
I don’t think they suck ass as long as you understand their limitations, but everyone seems to expect them to be able to fully replace human thought and uh, yeah they’re pretty bad if that’s your goal. 9 months ago
You’ll be dismissing the vast majority of experts in the fields. The only people who refuse to call it AI are those who think AI refers to the stuff you see in sci-fi movies. The ones doing the work and who actually know what they’re talking about use AI to mean even the simplest thing like a bunch of if statements that make up a hard-coded decisions tree. 9 months ago
Artificial intelligence. There's nothing intelligent going on in an LLM model. There's learning, but not intelligence.
The people objecting to the use of the term AI to describe computerized parrots are the people who think intelligence still matters as a concept.